
A short list of recent media profiles of Russell and his work.

“Living in a small village in the Northern Philippines, I was confronted by a challenge:  what to do with my ‘trash’?  There was no recycling boxes or garbage trucks—but my wrappers, plastic bags and such piling up in my house.  What to do?”  — from Russell on Ecobricks

Solving Plastic One Bottle at a Time in the Northern Philippines: 10 minute documentary on my work and the spread of Ecobricks in the Norther Philippines.

CNN Indonesia:  60 minute Insight Interview with Desi Anwar, Ani Himawati, and Russell Maier on the Ecobrick movement  “This Canadian Accidentally Discovered How to Solve Our Plastic Problem” An interview on Russell’s time in the Philippines and the history and current state of Ecobricking there.

Ecobricks Feature on National Korean TV

Ecobrick Convergence Featured on Jogja city TV

Ecobrick Spread in Jogjakarta and the Jogja Ecobrick Team Featured on NET.TV

Life Athletics Pod Cast with Nik Wood:  Rusell Maier Ecobricks and Frisboo



Media Posts on

Indonesian Ecobrick Interview

Indonesian Ecobrick Interview

Ani and I recently did a little interview in Semarang, Java, Indonesia on NET TV, a local station. The crew did a fantastic job on the interview -- it covers all the essentials of ecobricking.  A big thanks to my friend George and his company Bambooku for...

New Ecobrick Video: 23 Million Views

New Ecobrick Video: 23 Million Views

Well... another video about Ecobricks is going viral! 4M+ views! Unfortunately, unlike Attn:, these guys didn't do their home work and make some fundamental mistakes. And despite the video focusing on me... no one contacted me! I am glad the word is getting out about...

It is off!  Attn mega video on Ecobricks launched

It is off! Attn mega video on Ecobricks launched

Its Off!! Attn: has published their video on Ecobricks! In been only 16hrs and it's already exceeded a million views! Attn: did a great job-- Ecobricks represent a fundamental different way of doing things, and most media reports get the essentials wrong-- but Attn...

Indonesian Ecobricking Featured on BBC

Indonesian Ecobricking Featured on BBC

Woohoo! The Indonesian ecobrick movement was featured on the BBC this week! We heard rumours about coverage from ecobrickers in the UK who caught it on their TV. Today, we got the link! The clip features our Marimas friends in Semarang. Marimas is a big, national...

Solving Plastic One Bottle at a Time in the Northern Philippines

Solving Plastic One Bottle at a Time in the Northern Philippines

There is a solution to plastic pollution. In the Northern Philippines, inspired by our ancestral traditions where there is no concept of "waste" we've developed Vision Ecobricks-- a no-politician, no-machine, no-money way to go zero-waste... again.


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Interview Requests

Please contact Russell directly for interview requests or permission to use photos and quotations.


Russell is a regenerative artist, inventor and philosopher based in Bali, Indonesia.  He is one of the principals of global the Ecobrick.  His regenerative theories are inspired by his time amongst the Igorot people, his journey with plastic and his work mandalas.  Russell is currently working on a new theory of Earthen Ethics and Plastic Sequestration.  You can follow him on Facebook

