My Forest Garden Loves Me

The Big Distinction
I am excited. After weeks of refining and reflection on the next installment of the Earthen Ethic, it is ready. In this essay, I have stumbled upon, and absolutely essential and breakthrough distinction. Have you often wondered about all the marketing being made...
Happy Earth Day Salmon Post
Happy Earth Day! It just so happens that this week’s Earthen Ethic installment is ready today. How apropos– as this one is perhaps the most radical and exciting of them all. I’ve been working on it for months and I am really honored that my old...
EarthCup and Trainer Check In!
I was really excited to return to Kampung Blekok the other day. About two years ago, not only had we led an ecobrick training-of-trainers in this community… but I also met Cak Ali! Ali had joined our training to figure how to deal with his community’...
What actually is “green”? What is actually “helping the planet”? What does that even mean? Although, it may seem simple, it gets confusing fast.

Ready to Present!
Ready to present the paper!

Calendar Sales Up!
Up! Thanks for all the requests and encouragement to get a PDF download of the EarthCycles Calendar up for sale. I’ve put it onto to our GoBrik Store where you can purchase the super high resolution master file for printing at a print shop near you. The file...
First Print!
Woohoo! After thinking about this idea for the last ten years, I am super excited to finally make the first full print of my Earth cycle calendar! Thanks to my master navigator brother Chris for the help adding the Moon’s apsidal procession and the Earth’s...