Earth Ethic No. 6… At long last!

Earth Ethic No. 6… At long last!

At last– it’s up.  After two months of steady revisions the six earthen ethic essay is published on Medium. This wasn’t just any essay.  This was the laying out of an ecological ethic.  It wasn’t just about my writing, but about my living...
The Principle of Diversification

The Principle of Diversification

PHEW.  That was the hardest one yet. After four weeks of revisions, my latest Earthen Ethic is now up!  And that’s not counting the weeks to write it.  Ever single day for the last four weeks, I’ve sat down to refine the words and craft the meaning....
The Big Distinction

The Big Distinction

I am excited. After weeks of refining and reflection on the next installment of the Earthen Ethic, it is ready. In this essay, I have stumbled upon, and absolutely essential and breakthrough distinction.  Have you often wondered about all the marketing being made...
Happy Earth Day Salmon Post

Happy Earth Day Salmon Post

Happy Earth Day! It just so happens that this week’s Earthen Ethic installment is ready today. How apropos– as this one is perhaps the most radical and exciting of them all. I’ve been working on it for months and I am really honored that my old...