The Long Story of Plastic

The Long Story of Plastic

Over the last few covid months, I’ve had a chance to reflect deeply on the issue of plastic pollution and delve deep into its causes. My team and I have mined some important insights through discussions and writing, and we’re now getting ready to share...
I Came For The Plastic

I Came For The Plastic

I’ve always been a big believer in intentionally choosing difficult and challenging life circumstances.  Be it to face personal fears or to stoke creativity in the face of challenge, this principle of existential immersion has inevitably lead to roads that are...

Busting out of the Covid Cave

It’s been a while.  I miss writing.  I miss my blogging.  Oh… it’s not as if I haven’t been writing.  Indeed, the entirety of Covid, my fingers have been dancing on my keyboard.  I can clang out a good 40-50 words a minute when I am focused,...
Full Open Source Luminous Sword

Full Open Source Luminous Sword

Today, I am incredibly grateful to be writing this post on a dazzling Librem 13 laptop that runs on fully open source hardware and software.  It’s an amazing computer, endowed with the best of vibes and a great story. I use this sleek black machine to do my...
Single Use Plastic during Covid-19

Single Use Plastic during Covid-19

Stuck at home, Ani and I have found ourselves consuming more plastic than usual.  I couldn’t help but wonder though, what role is plastic playing exactly in these crazy pandemic times?  After all, a look at the history of pandemics shows a pattern of waste accumulation compounding already challenging situations.

A Corona Day in Indonesia

A Corona Day in Indonesia

For me its been a moment of some despair:  I can palpably sense the shift in attention of the world from climate and environmental concern.  Of course, it is understandable.  But there’s deeper dynamics going on I feel; the ground is shifting under our feet.

Transcaste Concept

Transcaste Concept

I am really excited… I think we’ve found an important new word for a concept that has pressing modern significance. A few weeks ago, Ani and I were immersed in the Bandung Spirit conference in Paris and Le Havre. On the first day, Dr. Seema Parhihar from Kirori Mal...
The Prince and the Priest

The Prince and the Priest

Today I had a fascinating conversation with Frère Damien.  When I first arrived at the monastery 10 years ago, Frère Damien was a novice–  early 30s, and just having entered into the order. Today he is the Abott– having been elected a few years ago as the...