The Facebook Quandry

The Facebook Quandry

I’ve never really felt comfortable posting on Facebook. Like most of you, I am only there because you are there– because of ‘network effect’..  It is certainly not because I resonate with the vibe of Facebook or its ethos. Over the last years,...
Building an Ecobrick Storage Depot

Building an Ecobrick Storage Depot

While in the UK we built a storage facility for the thousands of ecobricks that Lucie Mann, GEA trainer extraordinaire, has made and collected. Storing ecobricks properly is essential for their longevity and integrity. It is also the first step towards construction...
Tournament Time

Tournament Time

Well, its been an intense last week, so I am only getting around to posting this now.  Last weekend was epic.  After training and preparing for the last three months, my team, the LoveHandlers competed in the 20th Nusantara Cup ultimate frisbee tournament in Bali.  We...
Vacation Ecobricking

Vacation Ecobricking

IMG_0614 Well, Ani and I tried to have a little vacation. We went to a beautiful lake in the center of Bali, where the altitude, plants and ecology reminded me so much of the Filipino Cordilleras. Alas, there was also a lot of plastic kicking around. A LOT. In the...

First for-sale!

EarthCups are for sale!  It’s the first time ever that the cups are available retail.  And, their price illustrates a fascinating element of their philosophy. The retail price is my wholesale price!  Yes, incredibly, no one in the supply chain is making any...