My Garden Loves Me
I am really proud of our home ‘garden’. Well, we first moved in, it was a garden. Grass. Ornamental plants. Some flowers. However, slow and steady, over the last five years we’ve been conscious cultivating its diversity. If that sounds like hard...My Forest Garden Loves Me

An Earth Cycles Calendar
I’ve wanted to make a calendar for myself for a long time. Back when I was a landscape artist in Northern B.C. Canada, I spent hours and hours working on a calendar design that would show one of my seasonal paintings each month. But, I didn’t want it to...
A Corona Day in Indonesia
For me its been a moment of some despair: I can palpably sense the shift in attention of the world from climate and environmental concern. Of course, it is understandable. But there’s deeper dynamics going on I feel; the ground is shifting under our feet.