Words are very unnecessary

This morning I said good bye to Peggy. Making beautiful friendships and connections is one of the hazards of my journey. Because of my journey I meet so many wonderful people. Because of my journey, I must also say good bye.Yesterday, Peggy took me up to the top of...


Ok! My show is up and my Simple Series paintings are complete. I will now start to share photos of the finished paintings here on my blog. Let’s start with this one. This is a better photo of the painting ‘Family’ for my friend Andreas.

Simply Nearing the End

I am nearing the completion of my simple series paintings! They will be going on display this weekend at teh Artlounge Aureum in Berlin. Its a great little cafe, centrally located, with big walls. The perfect place to show my new work. On Friday at 7 PM a pianist will...

Painting my World

I have discovered something uncanny with these simple paintings that I am doing: They come true. I have done half a dozen or so featuring a character very much like myself. A month or so later, I find myself in the very scene that I have painted!”As the plant...