by Russell Maier | Feb 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
I was in Sagada last night for a quick trip to use the village bank machine. As so often happens the universe had quite other plans. As I remarked in a previous post, living vivaciously is all about following your intuition every single moment on the twists and turns...
by Russell Maier | Feb 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
Yesterday I was walking down the hill in the village. I saw my friend Esther, who runs a local restaurant on the side of the road. She was stoking a burning pile of trash. Noxious tendrils of plastic smoke swirled about her like grasping ghouls from a hellish...
by Russell Maier | Jan 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
CRAZY: Here’s me and the contestants (back seat), camera man, and celebrity guest from the Amazing Race (European version: PK Express). The other day, I was on my way home from Sagada with my latest trash painting (see below!) when I noticed a gaggle of white...
by Russell Maier | Jan 24, 2012 | Paintings, Trashure
Detail from canvas #4: PersistenceSo, you all I’ve been working with Trash. We’re making all sorts of great products with the trash weaving in the villages– from bags to wallets to placemats. These weavings are collaborations with communities as...
by Russell Maier | Jan 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
Just in from Natonin, Sagada and Baguio! The large bags are from Natonin and use the native abaca for the handles.