Yelling, Cursing and Screaming are Good

Have you ever just yelled and cursed at the top of your lungs? I don’t think I have have. Not til this afternoon on my walk back to Sagada, anyway. I am too mild mannered and come from a culture where politeness and reason reign. I’ve been cooped up in bed...

Five Days of Fever

This will be what I call a Vaughn post– where I write about bad stuff. Bad stuff, sickness, accidents, anger, frustration are so much harder to write about. My good friend Vaughn urged me once after two months of golden sunshine posts that I needed to make it...

Steady, steady…

So, for those of you who have been following the 1Mandala project you have been getting our updates each week. Each update is the culmination of months of work by our team. Each newsletter reveals a component of the project that we’ve co-created over the last...

The Passing of Robert Müller

Eight years ago, I climbed to the top of a mountain in Costa Rica.  There, in a humble wooden home, I met Dr. Robert Muller.  For those that don’t know the work of Dr. Muller, he was a pioneer for world peace and global education. Dr. Muller was the Assistant...