Celebrating a Year of Homelessness

Near Prince Rupert, BC Canada– a year ago.It was almost exactly a year ago that I left my home in Smithers, BC, Canada. Tis a moment to reflect upon. I left behind my community, my country, my friends and everything that I knew. The process involved ending a...


Ok! My show is up and my Simple Series paintings are complete. I will now start to share photos of the finished paintings here on my blog. Let’s start with this one. This is a better photo of the painting ‘Family’ for my friend Andreas.

Simply Nearing the End

I am nearing the completion of my simple series paintings! They will be going on display this weekend at teh Artlounge Aureum in Berlin. Its a great little cafe, centrally located, with big walls. The perfect place to show my new work. On Friday at 7 PM a pianist will...

The Canadian Breakfast

This morning I cooked up a Canadian breakfast for my friend Peggy: Fried eggs, hash brown potatoes, and a slice or two of bacon. The coffee and ketchup sit obligingly nearby. While trying to share my culture with the wonderful people I meet on my journey, I often...

Beach Volley Ball + Techno = nice

The bass beats. The sun shines. My foot taps on the sand. She sets the ball. Hit. Dive. Sand explodes around me as the ball launches back up. Beautiful bodies twist and turn. We play on. A pause. I look about me. Berlin! A morning full of love. A sunny afternoon full...