Loneliness in the Big City

OK… I wrote this a couple weeks ago, but didn’t have the courage to post it. Thanks Brenda for you en-couragement to write about the difficult time.———I’ve been asked numerous time on my journey: “Russell do you ever feel...

Those Crazy Germans

I discovered this photo biking into Pottsdam.  There are far less road signs in Costa Rica than in Germany, yet people are happier.  Could there be a connection?Yesterday, a seven year old conversation resurfaced in my mind.Back when I lived in Costa Rica, my buddy...

Fun in Berlin

OK… there’s no philosphical truth, existential reflection or artistic creations in this post.Just some fun from Berlin.     A friend and I caught the Depeche Mode concert in Berlin last night.  Fantastic!   There were about as many people in the stadium as...

Painting my World

I have discovered something uncanny with these simple paintings that I am doing: They come true. I have done half a dozen or so featuring a character very much like myself. A month or so later, I find myself in the very scene that I have painted!”As the plant...

FUN in Berlin

Contrary to the view all my posts of paintings, sketches and words might convey… I don’t sit and type and draw all day.   Here’s a very raw video to prove it!   I am starting to have some serious fun here in Berlin.  A friend and I caught the Depeche...