I have been doing an interview for a Romanian spiritual magazine and Humanity’s Team Global. The journalist’s response to one of my written answers was quite dramatic. It encouraged me to revisit my answer and refine it a little more. Here it is:
HT: How’s the project financially supported?
I often am asked how I fund the my journey and the 1Mandala project. The question is challenging to answer. It often comes from a certain way of seeing the world and money: First you get money, then you do what you want. This is fundamentally different from how I see it.
In fact it is the opposite!
My understanding is that first do what you want to do. Then, money connections, things and relationships arrive that help you create your vision and fulfill your intention.
I have no savings or source of income. Ironically, given my lifestyle equipment and project, many people who meet me often think that I am independently wealthy!
I laugh with a big smile at this.
If I can share anything with the people that I meet, it is that money is the last thing that you need. Literally. Do first want you want, then the money comes and the way becomes clear. That’s it. No need to strive, suffer and toil for money. That’s just a sign your going about it backwards!
Of course, it is easy to simply speak such words. However, I feel I can write them because I’ve been living their truth. I have had no money or source of income or any job since September. Nothing! For three months I had less than 100 euros. Yet, biking for several months through the European Winter my “needs” were abundantly met through the expensive countries of Belgium, Holland and Germany.
Now in the green and warm May of Berlin, I occasionally stop and marvel that I am still alive and that I did not freeze in a Dutch ditch!
Despite absolutely zero financial security, somehow I have never been happier, healthier, better equipped, more loving and more loved than ever. I’ve also never eaten better, been able to give more and have never had more fun!
Not to mention the 1Mandala project is flourishing in 8 languages with a team of people working around the world and I am living my dream making art at a studio in the most thriving artistic district of Berlin, if not Germany, if not the world.
All I can do is shake my head!