This weekend  a Japanese art fair came to Sabangan.  They were showcasing all these great eco-arts workshops they have been doing for the past month or two.  We were invited to showcase our eco artwork also.  So what to do?  Our art is our house and home!

I have always been a big fan of letting go when the opportunity arises.  So, I called up some local boys and together we gutted our living room.  We dismantled the bottle tables and couch and coffee tables and everything, and brought them down to set up a little booth at the fair.

We set it up in the cafeteria area so that the set could be well appreciated and used.  That’s the thing here… this is full out interactive, useful and useable art.  It was great to see the kids piling into the chairs and eating their snacks off the tables!


Look out Sabagan friends!  I hope to give this furniture away to all my local friends.  No our house will be nice and empty for making new and improved furniture!