Kalbe Farma Jakarta Presentation
If you haven’t heard from me over the last week, this is why! Ani Himawati Ani and I, and our GEA Jakarta team have been full out focused on manifesting this presentation for Kalbe Farma– one of the countries biggest pharmaceutical and food companies with...
An Offering: The Cigbrick
For centuries, the Cree Nation have used tobacco for rituals and offerings. Learning from this wisdom, we can reclaim the use of tobacco as a means to catalyse and raise ecological consciousness.

Lost Species Day with Singapore Friends & Forest
I spent four lonely, dark and rainy nights under a mighty tree in a Singpore forest. There I had a moment to contemplate with my friends the species around us now, and those that are passing on…

1000 Years Pollution Free
For thousands of years civilizations other than our own have thrived without pollution. In these cultures the concept of waste — or “trash” as we call it — did not exist. These highly evolved cultures were essentially pollution free: no...