by Russell Maier | Sep 25, 2009 | - Mandalas, italy
Yikes. This took a lot longer than I thought to put together. Thank goodness I had so much help! 130 folks came together in Osoppo, Italy to make this grand mandalic dance. Out of the crowd came filmers, dancers, drummers, singers, shamans, directors… you name...
by Russell Maier | Sep 19, 2009 | food, italy
I am learning to meditate Italian style.:-)
by Russell Maier | Sep 7, 2009 | italy
Last night I did a little cooking for my Italian friend Stefano. Now, when it comes to pasta the Italians are the hands down experts. However, I have noticed that despite the fabulous pasta dishes I have been having here in Italy, there has been a definitive...
by Russell Maier | Sep 4, 2009 | 1Mandala, italy
This past weekend I found myself in Ossopo Italy on top of a mountain.There, my friends Steve and Stafano had planned and organized Italy’s first festival of oneness– il FestOne. They had been trying to convince me for a month that I should make my way...
by Russell Maier | Sep 4, 2009 | italy
I am on the precipice of a major life transition. I stand ontop of a cliff and prepare to jump. Or, more aptly, to toss my laptop off into the nether! For the last two decades I have had a computer– from our family’s first Mac 512 to a constant...
by Russell Maier | Aug 28, 2009 | italy
Yesterday my lover Peggy came to visit me from far away Germany. How does one visit a homeless person however? For that matter, how does a vagabond host a guest? Surely, one would think Peggy a little crazy to come all the way from Berlin without any plan, itinerary...