
Wow.  Yesterday was a lot of fun.  We worked with teams of boys from San Alfonso High School to construct with our arsenal of bottle bricks.  Together we’re constructing a segregation centre as designed by the students, Niklaus and I.

These are the same bottle bricks that we made last month during our big village clean up when we had all 207 students pack the backlog of their trash-pit into cut PET bottles.  We managed to create over a 1000.  Now, we’re building with them!

The best part is what we are making:  A compost pit and a bunch of segregation pits.  At the moment there is no system for segregating or recycling waste from the school.  It was all being thrown (organics and all!) into their burn pit.

Marshall McCluhan writes: “The medium is the message”.  This segregation centre is literally being built from the message and intention: segregated trash.

And of course segregation doesn’t work if only a few people are doing it– it’s gotta be everybody working together.   Which again, is exactly how we’re building the segregation pits.


Not only is it more fun, but boy is it fast.  The first 1000 bricks were made in one day. We built the segregation and compost pits in one day also.  Tomorrow, we have yet another clean up day and make more bricks.

Niklaus and I are fast on our way to mastering this method.  Of course,  although it only took 1 day, it has taken almost a YEAR of research and experimentation on my part (with the help of Bianca and others) to get to this point.

But with that behind us, watch now as the magic unfolds and we build some beautiful and awesome stuff… Together!



