Just finished writing this letter. Just for the heck of it, I will post here too:

Dear 1Mandala friends,

Great news! I am excited to announce that the 1Mandala has a fresh Statement
of Intention!

Since our last newsletter, twenty folks from Costa Rica, to Paris, to Vancouver, to Romania came together to set up the 1Mandala’s foundation– and in a whole new way: co-creatively.

Co-creatively we word by word revised and renewed the vision of the
1mandala project. Traditionally, this process takes an organization months of
debate and voting and argumentation. In two weeks, we have found full accord
through a magical and fluid collaboration.

Here it is!

“Our shared intention is to co-create a grand mandala of creative
portraits that reflects and celebrates the emerging oneness
consciousness on Earth”

This intention will be our guiding light as we continue and co-create
an “Intention Map” that lays out the course of our collective
manifesting of the 1mandala. This will include everything from the
goals, to the budget to the website plan that will make it happen. This co-creation has now

Does our intention resonate deeply with you? Does experiencing a
whole new processs of how humans can work together excite you? We’re
on to it! Come check out what we are doing and see if there is a
place for your unique skills and energy.

Check out our Google Group to see how we are moving forward. The
group is open to anyone who chooses to join the co-creative process.


You’ll be hearing more from us as the 1Mandala picks up momentum!
